Loved by community
& partners


On the mission to bring NFTs to the mainstream

zkdm is the NFT marketplace built on zkSync, focusing
highly on user experience and ease of use to create, buy, sell and trade NFTs.

zkdm Function


A next generation toolset that lets creators create NFTs in a portable user-friendly NFT marketplace.


zkSyncPad aims to facilitate the success of initiatives. It is the first decentralized INO platform powered by zkSync main network to raise liquidity for creative NFT projects.


In the zkNFTFi network provides the pathway towards metaverse by building its platform on top of and beyond Web 3.0, supported by a fully decentralized connectivity and data layer, a full set of economy for fair and transparent transactions and interoperability.

Why zkdm?

Easy user experience, low fees, one-click minting, zkdm was built for artists by artists

Our advantage


What is the value of SBT? In fact, the non-transferable SBT in the wallet means that your background education, work income, consumption level, credit situation, etc., SBTs continue to increase, and will slowly form your personal label.So, one of the real goals of SBT is to build a bottom-up personal credit scoring system. SBT connects souls and communities from the bottom up, leading to enhanced sociality, across social distancing, and a better Web3.

Online Identity And Social Reputation

Our online identity and social reputation are not just important core data, they are constantly evolving. we can leverage multiple aspects of our personal identity. The more information we have on the chain, the closer our quantification of personal value comes to our true value.


DID stands for Decentralized Identity. Decentralized identity evolved from traditional identity systems. From centralized identity, federated identity, user-centric identity, to decentralized identity, there are four stages. Ideally, in the decentralized identity phase, users are in full control of their information.

Create And Sell Your NFTs

Discover, collect, and sell extraordinary NFTs more

1. Connect your wallet

ZKMD supports MetaMask (MetaMask Browser Chrome Extension)

2. Create your collection

Add social links, a description, profile and banner images, and set a secondary sales fee

3. Create your NFTs

Upload your work (image, video, audio, or 3D art),a title description, and customize your NFTs with properties, stats, & unlockable content.

4. List NFTs for sale

Choose the NFT you want to sell and we help you sell them. buyers can bid for the NFT or simply buy at fixed-price